We are so thankful for our partnership with the Fluvanna Rotary Club and The Rose Deborah Altschull Endowment For Youth!
Recently the “Shoes for Success” event was held at the Zion’s Crossroads Walmart. Rotarians, guests, and FCPS staff members joined hands to select and purchase 86 pairs of shoes to be distributed to families of elementary students.
Additionally, this partnership has supported the establishment of two critical classrooms at Central Elementary representing almost $5,000 in donations and many hours of volunteer work! The first was completed last May and the second last week, just before the start of school.
Our Sensory BEST Labs are essential components of our support for student success and wellbeing. Sensory tools promote regulation, improve focus and increase participation through creating a safe sensory filled space. The “Best Lab” allows students access to several sensory tools (i.e. fidgets, sensory boxes, tap lights and touch pads) A sensory item is one that is specially designed to stimulate one or more of the senses. As we know a child’s sensory needs may change from day to day. The Best Lab accommodates this perfectly with the large array of sensory items that are now available since the completion of these two rooms filled with all the items necessary to complete this environment.
The donation of resources and time is further evidence of the FLUCO family at work!
Peter M. Gretz, Division Superintendent
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