Green Dogs Unleashed is a special needs animal rescue right here in Troy, Va. Dogs that have the right temperament are trained to become therapy dogs. Therapy dogs bring comfort and affection to people and visit schools, hospitals, assisted living facilities and anywhere they are invited!
The therapy dogs from Green Dogs Unleashed and their handlers go through basic obedience training classes (6 weeks) then on to an 8 week therapy dog training course where they are exposed to real life situations and challenges such as elevators, stairs, hospital and school environments, advanced obedience and field trips to locations where they can practice working together as a team. The dog and handler then are required to pass a therapy dog team test and once passed, have buddy visits with established teams until they are ready to visit on their own.
In schools, the therapy dogs teach children whose parents have given permission about overcoming challenges, acceptance and compassion for others. Activities include children reading to the dog, talking with the dog and handler, petting the dog, etc.. It is the aim of the program to benefit students by helping them to increase skills such as self–control, manage symptoms of ADHD, and decrease anxiety with the added support of therapy dogs.
Thanks to this local business for the wonderful partnership in our schools!
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