Fluvanna County Public Schools
 Facts and Frequently Asked Questions during COVID-19 

*Please note new changes will be highlighted.*

FCHS Grade Selection Form (Pass/Fail) – Click here to submit the form electronically. All forms are due by October 1, 2020. If you have any questions, or would like a paper version of the form, please contact Chris Roberson, croberson@apps.fluco.org.

Virginia TV Classroom segments are now available on-demand. They can be accessed using the following links: 

Learn and Grow With WHRO (grades K-3) 

Continue To Know With WHRO (grades 4-7)

Literacy Connection – Middle School and High School Literacy Connections are now available on our COVID-19 FCPS Learning Resources Website. 

PreK-4 Literacy Connection – A new addition to our FCPS Learning Resources that offers tips and resources that parents can apply at home to encourage continued literacy engagement. This first edition provides suggestions for setting up independent reading at home, as well as resources for engaging your student in reading.  

FCPS Learning Resources Website – FCPS would like to continue to provide access to learning resources in addition to what classroom teachers have been providing. Digital resources organized by grade span and subject areas, virtual field trips and health and wellness activities and can be found here.

VA TV Classroom- In the April 8, 2020 VDOE News Release, Superintendent of Public Instruction James Lane announced that four Virginia public media stations will broadcast teacher-led classroom instruction aligned with the commonwealth’s academic standards into homes across the state beginning Monday, April 13th, 2020.  

Grading – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)- Updated 4/30/20 CLICK HERE

Standards of Learning (SOL) Testing-  The Virginia Department of Education has been granted a waiver from the U.S. Department of Education for federally mandated testing for 2020.  There will be no Spring of 2020 SOL testing.  Students in Grades 4 – 7 may be given an SOL test in reading and mathematics when we return to school in the fall.  The purpose of this testing would be to determine skill deficits and monitor student progress.

Dual Enrollment-  Click here for updates regarding Dual Enrollment.  For questions related to this topic, please contact: Mr. Frank Sampson, Assistant Principal at hsampson@apps.fluco.org.    

Advanced Placement Classes-  Angie Blevins, School Testing Coordinator, and the College Board have reached out to students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) classes regarding options for testing.  The College Board has offered an at home testing option.  This is a different format than previous AP tests.  The division still plans to pay for these assessments for any student who is still interested in testing.  Students are also able to opt-out of testing with no penalty.  AP make-up testing is June 1st – 5th. Please reach out to Ms. Blevins at ablevins@apps.fluco.org if you have further questions or need assistance.

Graduation-  Our outstanding Class of 2020 will be recognized for their  perseverance, respect, integrity, determination and expectations. We have set June 13, 2020 for graduation ceremonies at 10:00 am.  Events will be contingent upon specific directives and safety protocols.  Guidelines for participation can be found here. 

Senior Awards Ceremony–  While state/federal guidelines do not allow for an in-person, Senior awards ceremony, we are working to publicly recognize and honor seniors for earning various scholarships and awards.  FCHS Scholarship Winners

PreK-8–  School closure will not impact a student’s ability to progress to the next grade. Grades will be determined based upon student performance prior to school closure. Teachers are working to identify any skills not yet taught, and embed them into instruction for the next school year.

Internet Access Options-  Each FCPS school building has an open public wireless network named FCPS-Public. Students that do not have Internet access at home, may use the FCPS-Public wireless from a personal vehicle in any of our school building parking lots as long as they practice social distancing. The bus loops and pick-up loops at all locations except the High School have good reliable wireless. For FHS, please refer to this map and park as close to the yellow marked areas as possible. The marked areas are directly in front of the main entrance, outside of the annex gym and at the building’s bus loop entrance. In order to use the network, one must connect to the FCPS-Public wireless network which doesn’t have a password and then install the public SSL certificate found on the www.fluco.org homepage. The certificate download and instructions for installing the certificate can be found here. Once the certificate is installed, online content will be available to the end user. All Internet traffic will be monitored and graphic, obscene and violent traffic will be blocked by the division’s content filter. If you choose this option, please remain in your vehicle.

All Fluvanna County Government buildings have a guest wireless network. The Guest wireless network is named: unifluvguest and the password is: guestaccess. In Palmyra there’s connectivity around the Fluvanna County courthouse. The best place in a car will be to park in one of the spots closest to both the courthouse and to route 15. Along Main Street, from the Fluvanna County Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office to the Fluvanna County Registrar’s office has decent connectivity from a parked car. Fluvanna County Social Services at their Carysbrook facility has good outside coverage. The Fluvanna County Community Center in Fork Union also has service.

Virginia’s CommonWealth Connect is developing a map of public WiFi hotspots across Virginia. Use this map to locate public wifi near you.

A new free wireless hotspot option has emerged with Xfinity WiFi hotspots. These hotspots are normally located in business areas, retail locations and transit areas. To find your nearest hotspot, enter your zip code here or review locations on their hotspot map. Once you are at the location, follow the instructions at xfinity.com/wifi to join the hotspot. These 1.5 million hotspots are now free for all who need them through this challenging time.

Firefly Fiber Broadband has started installing high speed fiber internet in Fluvanna and will be bringing affordable internet into all of Fluvanna’s Central Virginia Electric Cooperative customer’s homes in the next several years. Firefly is currently working in multiple areas of Fluvanna including Zion Crossroads, North Boston, Palmyra, Wilmington and Stage Junction. To see if they are installing in your area and to register/pre-register for service, go here.

Internet service providers offer Internet service at a reduced rate for students who participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). These programs are provided through the FCC and are called Lifeline. Use the National Verifier to look through a list of providers and options here. In order to qualify, there will be an application process. Below are some of the local providers Lifeline options. Virginia’s CommonwealthConnect also has details about local carrier’s COVID offerings here

Centurylink’s Lifeline offers Internet service and telephone options

Comcast’s Lifeline offers Internet service and discounted computers

Verizon Wireless Lifeline provides discounts on monthly service plans

Student Computer Access-  During the winter/spring semester of the 2019-2020 school year, FCPS provided Chromebooks to students that did not have access to one at home through parent and guardian requests. Families who received a device loan may continue to use the Chromebooks through the summer of 2020. FCPS is reviewing and planning for additional student computer access for home use for the 2020-2021 school year as the Governor of Virginia and the Department of Education unveils their plans for opening schools in the Commonwealth.

Special Education and Section 504-  Fluvanna County Public Schools will continue to adhere to federal and state IDEA & 504 timelines and regulations, with schools continuing to communicate directly with parents regarding IEP meetings, Eligibility Committee meetings, Section 504 meetings, and Child Find meetings.  Meetings will not be held in person, schools will instead offer meetings via phone or video conferencing.  Parents may contact building principals or the Director of Special Education, Jennifer Valentine jvalentine@apps.fluco.org with specific questions about special education and Section 504. 

Meal Distribution- There are many children in our community that rely on the free and reduced-price meals they receive at school. FCPS is offering grab and go meals free of charge to children, 18 years and under, from low-income areas. Each child will receive 7 breakfast and 7 lunch meals that meet USDA meal pattern requirements. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Meals may be picked up at the Fluvanna County High School cafeteria every Tuesday and Wednesday, from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. If assistance is needed with transportation, contact Ms. Gwen Jones at gjones@apps.fluco.org or 434.510.1013. You can also review our Food Service page at https://gold.fluco.org/food-services-home/

The Fluvanna Christian Service Society Food Pantry is also open from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday through Friday to distribute non-perishable food. Recipients must have identification and be a resident of Fluvanna County. The Pantry is located at the Carysbrook Complex in Fork Union.

Monetary donations to the Fluvanna County Food Pantry may be sent to: Fluvanna Christian Service Society, PO Box 371, Fork Union, VA 23055, 434.842.2521.

Donations of non-perishable food may be made at any of the school offices or the MACCA Office in Carysbrook.

For additional information regarding meals distribution please contact:  Gwen Jones, Supervisor for Food Services at gjones@apps.fluco.org or 434.510.1013. 

P-EBT Cards – Participation in Pandemic-EBT for Eligible Households

School Office Hours-  Fluvanna County Public School buildings are open to essential staff only. If you need any assistance, please contact: Central Office, 434.589.8208; West Central Primary, 434.510.1016; Central Elementary, 434.589.8318; Carysbrook Elementary, 434.842.1241; FMS, 434.510.1000; FCHS, 434.589.3666, and Abrams Academy, 434.510.1008.  FCPS School Contact Information

Item Pick Up-  Please contact the main office of your child’s school to set up a date and time for pick up of personal items.

VHSL Sports-  All Virginia High School League (VHSL) sports and activities have been cancelled.  This includes practices and conditioning. Fall sports are under consideration, and will be determined at a later date. Here is a link to the VHSL press release- VHSL Press Release and an update from the NCAA Eligibility Center. Any questions regarding sports and activities should be directed to Scott Morris, Activities Director, at scmorris@apps.fluco.org.  

Essential Personnel Childcare- FCPS has collaborated with the Fluvanna Department of Social Services and has a list of local options for families needing childcare for children of essential personnel. For additional information contact us at 434.589.8208 or email Don Stribling at dstribling@apps.fluco.org or Jennifer Valentine at jvalentine@apps.fluco.org

The Fluvanna County School Board is committed to nondiscrimination with regard to sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law. This commitment will prevail in all of its policies and practices concerning staff, students, educational programs and services, and individuals and entities with whom the Board does business. Mr. Don Stribling, Executive Director of Human Resources/Student Services/Operations is designated as the responsible person (Compliance Officer) regarding assurances of nondiscrimination. Any complaint alleging discrimination based on a disability shall be directed to Ms. Jennifer Valentine, Director of Special Education (the Section 504 Coordinator). Both may be reached at the following address: 14455 James Madison Highway, Palmyra, VA 22963; telephone (434) 589-8208. The Fluvanna County School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer.