School Board Office

FCPS Homeless Education Services



What families experiencing homelessness need to know:

  • Children and youth who are homeless have a right to attend school
  • You do not need to have a permanent address to enroll in school
  • You have the right to attend the school you last attended (school of origin) if evaluated to be in your best interest
  • Your child has the right to transportation service to and from their school of origin
  • Homeless children and youth have the right to immediate enrollment
  • Enrollment records, including past school records and health records, are not a reason for denial to immediate school enrollment
  • Help securing these documents can be offered by your school personnel and the Homeless Liaison
  • If enrollment disputes arise, schools must provide you with written explanation and your right to appeal
  • Unaccompanied homeless youth have these same rights

For additional information and support, contact your school and/or school counselor who will also coordinate with the school social worker, Mrs. Carol Schenck at or 434.589.3666.

Don F. Stribling II
Executive Director
FCPS Foster/Homeless Liaison
Phone:  434.589.8208