In the News Archive
Troy Stephens, FCHS Class of 2021 PRESS RELEASE - October 1, 2020 Fluvanna County High School announced today Troy Stephens has been named a Commended Student in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and National Merit...
Fluvanna Continues to Surpass the State Average for On-Time Graduation 2020 Cohort Report
PRESS RELEASE - September 30, 2020 The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) released state-level, division-level, and school-level cohort reports that detail outcomes for students who entered the ninth grade for the first time in 2016 and were scheduled to graduate...
Parent Feedback Survey: FCPS Revisiting Reopening Plans
Dear Fluco Families,
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020 our school board will be revisiting discussions regarding reopening plans, and we would like to provide them with updated feedback from our families now that we are a month into virtual learning. We will provide an additional update regarding our instructional plans following the meeting.
In accordance with our current COVID mitigation strategies, we would utilize our Hybrid Instructional plan to return to in-person learning two days per week. In this proposed hybrid model, the majority of our teachers will be assigned to either in-person or virtual/remote students. This will allow our teachers to focus their instructional efforts exclusively on one group, ensuring a quality experience for every student. This means that your child may not have the same teacher they have had since September 8th. Schools will communicate directly with families regarding teacher assignments.
There is a possibility of additional days per week for in-person instruction if classroom and bus capacity meets the criteria of our Health Mitigation Plan. Ultimately, the number of days that students will attend on-site will depend on the interest for in-person learning that we receive from families. Face mask coverings will continue to be required for all staff and students at all times, with the exceptions of designated mask breaks and outside activities.
Please know that even if there is a decision to return to in-person learning, we will continue to provide the choice for virtual/remote learning to our families for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. We are requesting that you please complete this survey ( for each student in your household by October 6, 2020 to provide information regarding your instructional preference for your child.
Fluco Friday 9.11.2020
2020-2021 School Start Information
We are dedicated to providing your child an engaging distance learning experience. Student success is attributed to the partnership and the relationships we build within our community, and we greatly appreciate the support you provide for your children at home and at school.
Please communicate with your child’s teacher and/or school if you have any questions that arise as you:
– Complete the annual infosnap update
– Log into your student’s chromebook
– Help your student become familiar with their schedule
We have several “getting started” technology support resources available at: Our Technology staff is also available to assist, and can be reached at (434) 591-2060.Enjoy the holiday weekend, stay safe, and we will “see you” on Tuesday, September 8th!
FCPS Virtual Daily Schedules
Good afternoon FLUCO families . . .
As our teachers are preparing to begin virtual learning for all our students on September 8th, we would like to provide you with sample schedules for each of our schools.
Please note these schedules are samples, and your student’s learning activities and times may vary by grade level.
Additionally, student schedules and teacher assignments were mailed on Monday, 8/24. Your student’s homeroom teacher will be contacting you this week to go over your child’s schedule and help answer any questions you may have.
PRESS RELEASE – August 13, 2020
At their August 12, 2020 meeting, the Fluvanna County School Board made the decision to open the 2020-2021 school year utilizing a 100% virtual start for the first nine weeks for all students. The FCPS virtual learning model will look very different from the emergency remote learning the division implemented during the sudden closure in March 2020. New schedules have been created, new learning will take place, attendance will be taken, and traditional grades will be issued. More information will be provided in the upcoming weeks in regards to student schedules, chromebook distribution, and details for virtual learning.
Fluvanna County School Board Approved Change in 2020-2021 School Calendar
PRESS RELEASE – July 30, 2020
On Wednesday, July 28, 2020, the Fluvanna County School Board approved a revision to the 2020-21 school calendar.
The key elements of the 2020-2021 calendar are:
– September 8, 2020 is the first day for A students.
– September 10, 2020 is the first day for B students.
– December 21-January 4 is Winter Break for students.
– April 5-9, 2021 is Spring Break.
– June 17, 2021 is the last day of school and an early dismissal day for students.
– June 18, 2021 is Fluvanna County High School Graduation at 7 p.m.
A copy of the calendar is attached to this press release. The calendar is available on the school division’s website.
AP Environmental Science Textbooks Available for Review
PRESS RELEASE – July 16, 2020
At its regular meeting on Wednesday, August 12, 2020, the Fluvanna CountySchool Board will consider adoption of the textbook committee’s recommendation for a textbook for AP Environmental Science.
The recommended textbooks and instructional materials will be on public displayvat the School Board Office weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from July 13, 2020,through August 5, 2020. Questions about the evaluation and adoption process should be directed to Brenda Gilliam at or (434) 589-8208.
FCPS Updates (Reopening Plans)
UPDATED 7/23/2020
After receiving a multitude of concerns and community suggestions, we are modifying our hybrid learning model.
The new reopening plan will be changed to A students (last names A-K) attending on Mondays and Tuesdays, remote learning on Wednesdays, and B students (last names L-Z) will attend Thursdays and Fridays.