In the News Archive


PRESS RELEASE – February 22, 2019

The month of January, our students were buzzing with excitement with the annual Scripps Spelling Bee competition.

On January 17, 2019, the Fluvanna Middle School library hosted the annual division level spelling bee. Fifteen students, grades 3-8, participated in the division spelling bee this year. Fourth grade student, Claire Bomberger, took first place for a second year in a row, followed by Zachary Butler, grade 7, as runner up. These students will go on to represent Fluvanna County in the Regional Scripps Spelling Bee, sponsored by The Daily Progress, to be held at Albemarle High School on March 9, 2019. The winner of the Spelling Bee at Albemarle High School will be invited to participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC.

Gary Greenwood Wins Virginia Council on Economic Education Award

PRESS RELEASE – December 14, 2018

Congratulations to Mr. Gary Greenwood on being named a winner of the Virginia Council on Economic Education 2018 Economic Educator Awards Program. Mr. Greenwood’s entry, Setting Up Your Class as a Business, won First Place for K-12 Lesson/Unit. Mr. Greenwood received $1,000 at the Council’s annual awards luncheon on Friday, December 7.


PRESS RELEASE – December 11, 2018

At a scheduled Fluvanna County School Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 10, 2018, the Fluvanna County School Board voted to approve the position of Coordinator of Federal and Instructional Programs and the appointment of Ms. Gemma Soares to this role. The School Board restructured the administrative staff at the School Board Office, eliminating a director’s position and adding this coordinator role.

Students are Invited to Apply for Summer Residential Governor’s School

PRESS RELEASE – October 10, 2018

Applications are now available for the Summer Residential Governor’s School. Students must be in either 10th or 11th grade, and be gifted or an advanced student in one of the following areas: Foreign Language, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Humanities, Math, Science, Technology, Agriculture, Medicine, Space or Marine science. Each Summer Residential Governor’s School focuses on one special area of interest. Students live on a college or university campus for up to four weeks each summer. During this time, students are involved in classroom and laboratory work, field studies, research, individual and group projects and performances, and seminars with noted scholars, visiting artists, and other professionals. In the three mentorships, students are selected to work side-by-side with research scientists, physicians, and a variety of other professionals. A director and student-life staff provide supervision of students 24 hours a day, throughout the program.


PRESS RELEASE – October 10, 2018

Fluvanna County High School has earned the Blue Star School Award for 2018 for W!SE Financial Literacy. This is the fifth consecutive year that the High School has received this honor. The High School administered W!SE certification tests for the first time during the 2013-2014 school year. The school earned an 82 percent pass rate on the test, with 249 high school students earning the credential during the 2017-18 school year.

Fluvanna Continues to Surpass the State Average for On-Time Graduation 2018 Cohort Report

PRESS RELEASE – October 1, 2018

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) released state-level, division-level, and school-level cohort reports that detail outcomes for students who entered the ninth grade for the first time in 2014 and were scheduled to graduate in the spring of 2018. High school cohort reports for schools, school divisions, and the Commonwealth are available for viewing and downloading in the Virginia School Report Card section of the VDOE Web site.